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John Wehausen (he/him)

John Wehausen (he/him) John Wehausen is an applied population ecologist who has studied bighorn sheep populations in California since 1974, beginning with the Sierra Nevada. He was instrumental in petitions that led to federal and state endangered status for Sierra bighorn, then wrote most of the recovery plan for those sheep. He also helped draft the recovery plan for desert bighorn sheep in the Peninsular ranges of California. More recently he drafted a conservation plan for desert bighorn sheep in southeastern California across the large region from the White Mountains to the Colorado River. In 1995 John helped found the Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep Foundation and serves as its president. In 2012 John retired as an Associate Research Scientist with the University of California’s White Mountain Research Station, but continues to work full-time on bighorn sheep conservation issues in California, including the Sierra Nevada.

Trips led by John Wehausen (he/him)