208 Birding South Tufa & the Jeffrey pines
In a small area around the southwest shore of Mono Lake we’ll find birds that nest in sagebrush scrub and in dry, mature coniferous forest. These may include Lewis’ Woodpecker, Gray Flycatcher, Violet-green Swallow, Pinyon Jay, Clark’s Nutcracker, Rock Wren, Sage Thrasher, Western Tanager, Green-tailed Towhee, and Brewer’s and Sagebrush sparrows. We’ll also identify and talk about shoreline waterbirds.
Fee: $0.00
Trip Type: Field Trip
Transportation Type: Carpool/Personal Vehicle
Driving Distance: 30 miles round-trip
Day: Friday
Start Time: 7:00 AM
End Time: 11:00 AM
Physical Activity
Easy walking, 2 miles (approximate)
Amenities Available
- Picnic Table
- Bench
- Restroom at one stop
Meeting Venue Location
296 Mattly Ave
Lee Vining CA 93541
Venue Location
The venue location is the same as the meeting venue location.
Venue and Meeting Location