210 Rising Through a World of Climates and Vegetation Zones
Tectonic activity has lifted the Sierra Nevada Mountains to form massive barriers penetrating into a rarified atmosphere. We celebrate the stunning diversity of microclimates and life zones encountered at each elevation. We will travel from the rain shadow slopes just above 6,000’, up to Tioga Lake near 10,000’, to sense the dizzying array of rock formations, landscapes, climates, and plant communities. We will even make birding stops when you insist. What surprises might we encounter as we ascend such spectacular rock walls? We will test our skills at forecasting short-term changes in the weather and speculate about how climate change is rewriting the natural history script. How do birds and other plant and animal life adjust to such changes in these challenging environments?
(est. driving miles: 30; moderate walking, 3 miles)
No Leaders
Fee: $0.00
Trip Type: Field Trip
Transportation Type: Carpool/Personal Vehicle
Driving Distance: unspecified distance
Day: Friday
Start Time: 6:30 AM
End Time: 11:30 AM
Physical Activity
, unspecified distance
Meeting Venue Location
296 Mattly Ave
Lee Vining CA 93541
Event Venue Location
The event venue location is the same as the meeting venue location.
Event Venue and Meeting Venue Location