220 Botanizing with (and without) binoculars
Binoculars can be surprisingly useful while botanizing. We will take a plant walk and consider the the flora from mosses to trees, with and without binoculars. And we will not ignore any birds that happen to be present in the vegetation either (since we will have binoculars). Bring snacks, water, and sunscreen.
Fee: $0.00
Trip Type: Field Trip
Transportation Type: Carpool/Personal Vehicle
Driving Distance: unspecified distance
Day: Friday
Start Time: 9:00 AM
End Time: 12:00 PM
Physical Activity
Moderate walking, unspecified distance
Meeting Venue Location
296 Mattly Ave
Lee Vining CA 93541
Venue Location
The venue location is the same as the meeting venue location.
Venue and Meeting Location