401 Crafty corvids east of the crest
Jays, magpies, nutcrackers, and ravens are the Eastside’s intellectual avian troublemakers and problem solvers. These corvids are known for their spatial memory, complex social interactions, and their elusiveness in the Mono Basin. On this field trip we will explore the habitats and natural history of as many of the local corvids as possible, with a focus on finding Pinyon Jay and Woodhouse’s Scrub-Jay in the Rancheria Gulch area.
Fee: $0.00
Trip Type: Field Trip
Transportation Type: Carpool/Personal Vehicle
Driving Distance: 40 miles round-trip
Day: Sunday
Start Time: 6:00 AM
End Time: 11:30 PM
Physical Activity
Easy hiking, unspecified distance
Meeting Venue Location
296 Mattly Ave
Lee Vining CA 93541
Event Venue Location
The event venue location is the same as the meeting venue location.
Event Venue and Meeting Venue Location